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~Stress much?~

Friday, Oct. 13, 2006 - 1:27 AM

So, Kris got into a chatty mood tonight. She called an old friend, and talked to her. Then tried another, but no answer. So, she gets this idea...."I'll call my grandparents". She spoke to her grandfather, then at 10:30pm her grandmother called her here. Oh boy.....

She was on the phone with her grandmother for an hour and a half. In there she made me get on the phone and say hi. I damn near had a heart attack. I hate talking to people on my good days. She sprung that on me out of nowhere.

Long story short....

Her mom has been doing everything she can to turn the family against Kris, and has convinced them all that I am abusive, and am forcing her into this lifestyle or some shit. That she was fine before she met me.

Yeah, so fine that she was constantly attempting suicide. So fine that she has downed bottles of pills like about 7 times in her life. So fine that she was hating everything before me.

Her grandmother knows the truth now, and has spoken to me personally now. Her grandparents are HUGE mormons. And her mom claims to be, but doesn't follow the religion. Her grandmother said this..."It's like the bible says... love the sinner, not the sin." 2 huge mormons accept Kris' sexuality because she is happy, and her own mother is doing her best to destroy her only daughter. How lovely. Her grandmother had quite alot to say about it all. She strikes me as being as openminded, and spirited as granny. I kinda like her. lol

So yeah. I was very much sweating bullets tonight. Having Kris hand that phone to me stressed me to the tits. But, in the end...I can't complain. Atleast Kris has some family that still loves her for her, and doesn't care who she is happy with.

All I said to Kris was that everything she said was spoken like a true mormon. They put family before anything, and although they don't approve, that doesn't mean they'll punish you for it. It's silent acceptance.

Kris went to bed relieved and content. That makes me happy. Her grandmother wants to set everyone straight now. Kris finally has someone in her corner backing her. Maybe now she can relax for a change.

Things for her seem to be finally picking up.

Oh, and I am now obsessed with both The Fratellis, and Arctic Monkeys. Thank god for mp3's!

Not to mention my iPod. I'll be loading all those newly downloaded songs onto it tomorrow. Yay!

Well, I better crash. Morning comes early, and I have cleaning to do before my bro arrives.

Oh! and Angie messaged me online saying she bought me a present. I'm all curious and confused. lol

I wonder what it could be? I love being spoiled! lol

I'm off!



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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!