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Wednesday, Sept. 06, 2006 - 9:27 PM

I seem to have an admirer.

I went into Tim's tonight to have dinner with my son, and see Kris working as I miss her arse. Last time I was in there the Baker dude gave me free soup.....good shit too.
Well, tonight he came over to my table, and leaned down to me and said "You saw nothing". I looked down, and on the chair beside me was a box of timbits filled to capacity. I absolutely pissed myself laughing. He hovered around me for a while smiling at m after that. Then Kris took her break with us, and then we came home.
I told her what buddy did, she told me that he told her that, and she said if he tries to touch me she's gonna fucking kill him. lol

Somedays she really does rock my socks. lol

So, things here are looking rather amusing with that.

I started to play 5 girls the other day. For the most part I have let a few go, but one in particular is all feeling good, and all happy talking to me. I think the hook caught one pretty good. Not to mention I meet a girl for coffee tomorrow afternoon. This could prove to be interesting in itself. She keeps telling me pover and over how long it has been since she got laid. I drop little teasing hints to her every so often, but don't show alot of interest. We'll see what happens there.

Fuck 'em and drop 'em. It's fun, and just a lil too easy.

I was called a hungry lesbian by my ex in her diary today. I may infact be that, but I'm chasing girls 23+ in age. I have a young one, and have no interest in the drama that follows the average 22 and under female. She's forever worried about me going after her current gf, because we talk all the time. But, I honestly have no interest. We just bullshit more than anything really.

I'm getting worried about all her questions about Satan though. She is seriously showing a strong desire to see him, and he wants to beat the fuck out of her. I need to keep them separated before the world explodes, and they both end up more hurt than they are. I told Satan that if he wanted to see her that was fine, as I have resolved all my issues with her. But he has nothing but a deep hatred for her. He sees it as she deserted him when she walked out of my life...and his. He wants to "knock her out cold" as he says. *sigh*

The drama in my life just seems to never want to end.

Oh, and it's alot of fun watching Kris work on this chick. I'm actually pissing myself laughing over it. She just rocks.

Just a quickie for now. Time to go play junkie, and play with a needle. Yehaw!!!

I'm out!



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