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~A week later...~

Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2005 - 5:34 AM

I haven't felt like writing for a week. But, now I just want to document a few things.....

April decided she wanted to job hunt last week. So, she did......sorta. I told her to trust me, wrote down 8 fax #'s....7 of which worked, then I called my mom up, and gave her the #'s. My mom then faxed April's resume to all 7. Well, long story short....April was offered 6 positions by 3 companies in 3 days. Woah!

My dad drove us to her first interview, then decided he kinda liked this whole situe. (He invited us over to hang with him last sat so he could get to know April) Then on about....friday? April had another job interview. I took her down to it, as it was only downtown. Well, there is just this thing about April you see....she gets along with EVERYONE! Literally. So she goes to an interview, and starts laughing and carrying on with the person interviewing her. Needless to say, I am writing this up at 5:30am because I saw her off to her first day of work about 20 min ago. She starts at 6am. That in itself is a pain in the ass, as she has to cab it to the train station to be on the first one at 5:29am to get downtown so she is at work by 6am. Yay. *yawn*

So, April is a working stiff. lol My dad is all excited, and impressed by her, my mom is thrilled, Satan is still calling her "fish folk" and "squid" *sigh* I'm going to have to stop that soon. He seems to be going a lil OTT with it now. Poor girl. I know it's bothering her now, I saw it last night. But yeah, this morning was cute. "How do I look? Do I look alright? Am I respectable enough? Is this okay?" Nothing but nerves, and a million questions.

Last night I took her on a dry run. I called a cab, saw how much it will cost her every morning (3 days a week only, thankfully) and then hopped a train with her, and showed her where to exit the train station to get to where she is going. Then we came back. She was happy that I did that, as I still can't walk worth a shit. But, she needed to know. She is slowly learning the city. It takes time though. At the rate she is going though, she'll be moving out of here in no time. This was a temp thing anyway. The original plan was to get her off on her own, and that's what we are doing.

Other than's the fucking month of April, and today it is gonna be +19!!!! What the fuck????? That 9.0 quake on boxing day sure fucked us all up.

Oh ya! About a month ago new ppl moved in below me. These fuckers are a group of natives...loud as fuck, and assholes from hell. The cunts keep trying to kick in the door at my neighbours place, then say to her "Opps! Wrong door." Might I point out that they are booting in the door between 3-6am almost every nght. Ummmm....ya. After a month they are still going to the wrong fucking door every night. But that's ok, after they kick her door, they come over here and kick theirs...thus managing to shake me out of my fucking bed, and I am 3 fucking floors up from their door! So, I wrote a letter of complaint, and am getting her to do so as well. I've had enough of these assholes. Especially after the screaming, and banging that scared April one evening. The banging was so bad that the shit on my walls was shaking and bouncing. That is complete bullshit!

Ummm...Sunday night I was hanging with Dave and old school friend, and his wife. Out of nowhere they decide that they want to go to a, they dragged me with them to see "Meet the Fockers" Holy fuck was that movie hilarious! A definate must see! I am gonna buy it, and "Meet the parents". The 2 are very uch needed in my movie library.

Speaking of movies, April should be getting a copy of the documentary she was in soon. A girl from T.O. went and i/v'd her about being gay in a small town. Apparently the documentary is about being a gay woman in canada or something? I dunno....but April is in it at any rate, and she has been told that she is gonna get a copy sent to her at some point here.

My mom has new shifts at work now. She is working 12hr days now. 4 days one week, 3 days the next. So, one weekend she has 2 days off, the next weekend she has 5 off. She is happy, and so is Satan. She is looking forward to the time she will have with him this summer because of her time off with this shift. I'm just cheering her on. She has been doing some wicked decorating in her place now. She is painting all the ceilings....they look like sky! She is literally soing blue skies with a lil cloud. Her entire place is getting these skies done to it, except for Satans room. He is getting space. She is going to do ceiling and walls with stars, planets, galaxy's, etc. She even has glow in the dark paint for the stars to glow at night. She is really good at what she does, and damn is she an amazing artist, I am looking forward to seeing what Satan's room is gonna look like when she is done with it. She's having fun, as she should be. lol

Hmmmm.....I wonder how April is getting on now? I hope she got there ok. I guess I'll find out later on if she did. *crosses fingers* She was so nervous this morning. I just felt like a housewife last night, and this morning. I packed her and Satan lunches, sorted out her shit for this morning, and saw her off. Satan is off in another 2 hours. Then if my neighbour is gome, I am gonna go down and visit her, and see if she wants to play cards or not. I hate this shit in a way. It reminds me that I can't work. I fucking miss working so bad. I was giving April advice on interviews, and how to start out with what questions. Then pointers on the shit she is doing. She seemed to listen, but knowing her, she was just smiling and nodding. lol

I really miss working. My MS fucked all that up. It sucks. My last job was a serious good job. And hey! $11.19/hr was damn good too!

Oh well. As long as I can fid something to occupy myself with during the day now, I'll be fine. Looks like I'll be doing alot of cleaning now. Hell, I still need to lay the rug my dad gave me.

Which reminds me....

My living room is getting a serious makeover. My dad and stepmom are redoing their living room right now. I already got their old leather couch, the area rug from it, and a lamp. I am getting their chair, and another lamp soon. Not to mention, according to my dad, I will be getting their old 29" t.v. when he finally gets the plasma one he wants. My living room is literally turning into theirs. lol Not that I mind much, they have good taste. lol

I think that is about it......?????

Oh, just one more thing.....

My dad is in serious training right now. He has already lost 21 lbs, and is riding his bike daily. Ge is in the MS Bike Tour this year, and turned in over $1200 in pledges already. Now he is busting his ass to get in shape for the ride. I think the total is something like 86km??? Which is alot for a mountain bike. But his parner at work is doing it, hence why he decided to, and buddy does it every year. Whatever makes my dad happy man. It's for MS Research, so who am I to complain. You never know if that dollar my dad got to ride is the one that was needed to pay for the research that finds the cure that they say they are close to????? So if you read this.....DONATE YOU STINGY FUCK!

Okay, I'm done.

Have a good one,



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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