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~Funny days~

Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2004 - 11:57 PM

So, I had the fat, smelly, dirty, cunt assed bitch in my apartment tonight.

Yep...Satan's dad himself.

His feet smelled so bad of rotting cheese, that Jay went out to the library, and I hid in my room. We battled eachother on neopets, then she came back home. The smell filled the air downstairs thick, and even seeped upstairs. Windows were open, fan was on, and the smell still filled the entire apartment. I booted his ass out at 8pm, and threw Satan into a bath. It took us 2 fucking hours, mr.clean, energy sprays with essential oils, incense, candles, and dishsoap to clear the smell out of here. I am still on edge from it all.

So I get an email from my dad tonight. He has been waiting with baited breath for my stepmom to leave town. He is gonna sneak us in, blast his stereo, show off his G4 comp to Jay, and get her playing with a new program called garage band. It's a program where she could actually compose the music for her songs on it. My dad is all excited about having us over, and ordering pizza. lol

So in this email he says "I am dropping Michelle off at the airport at 12pm, so I can be at your place at 1pm. Is that too early?" We laughed. You would think he was eager or something. lol He connects with Jay on so many levels that the 2 of them can chat for hours, much like she and my brother can. So, my dad really likes being around her, everyone does. My mom is addicted, Satan is addicted.....even my grandmother loves her to death. FUCK! I'll never get rid of her!!! LOL

So, in the past few days we have been having some fun. Poor little luncheon comes out one night for the first time. He is just tiny, and scared. So I get the brilliant idea of making faces, and farm animal noises. Well, I start to cluck like a chicken...quite soft a firt, then I let out a loud "bock-ka!!!!" Luncheon jumped like a foot in the air, and wet himself! lmao! Jay came out laughing her ass off. I felt bad, and there she is barely able to breathe because of this kids reaction.

Oh ya.....I also have a huge thing with making lizard faces, and turtle faces at the kids. Luncheon makes them at me now. It's cute. lol

So, things here are amusing as usual. Me and my imaginary gf, who has imaginary alters are doing quite good right now.

Oh, and tomorrow will be a busy day for us too.....Jays mom called tonight to say she is going to be sending money in a few hours, and will be calling at 8am to tell Jay the number so she can pick it up.

Neither one of us is going to sleep. We are excited about shopping. lol

Well, thats all for now.




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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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