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~Reality Check~

Thursday, Nov. 20, 2003 - 9:19 AM

Ok, I have been pretty quiet about shit lately. Jay won't access my diary until possibly tomorrow, so I can let you all in on shit.

I blew off Jay for a reason. She was taking me for granted, and treating me like shit. So, I sat back, and thought about it all, and realized what I had been doing wrong. Namely....she would lie, I would forgive, thus telling her is was ok. She is like a child, needs to learn cause and effect. I was rewarding her for bad behavior if you will. So, I nailed her by blowing her off, and acting like I hate her. My mom knew everything going on, and was impressed by how well it worked. So was I. She now knows that I am not forever. It's a good thing.

Now I have been chatting with the kids, and found out 4-5 days ago that she had a flight booked. They sent me the info to check the reservation online. I did, and printed off the info. The flight is for today. Why am I talking freely? Because she is in the air right now...probably near iceland. I will be having a look at a flight tracker in a few here.

I know...."how do you know it's real?" 7:45 this morning, just after I turned off my alarm, my phone rang. It was Jays mom telling me she got on the plane ok, and "can she email me when she arrives at yours?" So, this IS real this time. Satan heard the phone ring, he heard me talking to her mom about some plans I have. It's called payback. he he *note the evil laugh*

Satan was awake when I went into his room, and started hitting him with a pillow, and tickling him. Thats how I wake him for school you see, we start the day with fun everyday. Well, Satan is just flying this morning. He knew who the call was, and he knew why. He left for school with a note excusing him from the afternoon classes, and a huge grin on his face. When he gets home, we head to the hospital my mom works at, to pick her up from work, then we are off to the airport. Her flight gets in at 5:30.

Now for the payback....

Jay is shitting herself. Literally.

She has been told we won't be at the airport, and she has to find her own way to my place. he he

She has also been led to believe that I hate her, and want nowt to do with her. Infact she was practically begging me to let her stay here, as she has nowhere to stay in edmonton, and knows no one. he he

Here's the thing. Would you turn away someone who thinks you hate them, but flies halfway across the world just so that they can be told in person by you, because they love you too much to just let it go that easily?

I find that in itself to be amazing. She thinks I hate her, but says she needs to see me in person atleast one more time. So even though I showed no love, she still got on the plane. Some ppl call it stupidity, I call it amazing.

Ok...payback....Jay was told my mom is busy, and can't take us to the airport. Well, Jay never asked what my mom was busy doing. You see, my mom can't take us to the airport, because she already is! lol

We are going to hide, and when she is scooping her luggage, I am going to sneak up behind her, and sniff her. She will turn to hit the sick fucker doing that shit, and I will say " still smell the same". lol

Then satan says he is gonna come up and say "excuse me I know you? You seem to remind me of an idiot who left us for half a year". He is so excited. His dog could die, and he wouldn't notice. He is getting Jay back. Thats all that matters to him in the world right now. I think it's great. He has faith in the world because of her. His dad always lets him down, but Jay doesn't. In the sense of, if she says she is coming back, it may take awhile, but she will.

I just know that after this is read I am gonna get a smack for putting her through the stress and anxiety on the plane because she didn't know what she was coming to. lol

Suck it bitch! I can lie too! LOL!

So ya, the amusing rants, and stories of stupidity are about to start up again.

Now...someone still has her knuckles tattooed......that is gonna be a whole different entry in itself.

I'm gonna buy Jiffy markers.....I think I need to add to the knuckles........

More later.

I need a 7up from the local store. Not to mention, taking the trash out, and checking the mail.

Fuck is she stupid! I told her I had 11 wrapped presents here (spongebob paper and all) for her....hello? Put 2 and 2 together, and quit counting 5!




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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