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~what kinda moron.....~

Friday, Jul. 25, 2003 - 9:29 AM

Apparently I either have stupid tattooed on my forehead, or I am having a neon sign follow mw wherever I go.

I woke up this morning to an email. Supposedly Jay saying they were leaving for the airport......Here's the thing....

She states in the email it is like 10:30amGMT

that's 3:30am where I am (note, I was stiil up at that point last night)

And 5:30am EST.

See the thing with that?


Well the time on the email said it was sent at 9:51EST.

Thats 7:51 MST

And 2:51 GMT.

How is it, it was 10:30 and they were leaving, but the comp time stamped the email as 2:51 in the afternoon?

No, aol doesn't hold shit, and change the times. The times come from your comp. No the computers clock isn't off, because the date would be wrong too. No, this isn't what it is pretending to be.

This is more lies from a person who seems to get a sick thrill from lying to me.

She told me once that she lied to me so that I wouldn't leave. The funny thing is. I LEFT! I left because of the lies. That's why I don't talk about her in here anymore. There is no point. She isn't a part of my life, she is just some sick fuck trying to hurt me.

Well, it backfired hon. Because I'm not hurting at all......but you seem to be.

Nope, sick of the lies. Happy being alone here, and feeling free.

And anyways after 85 days of sleeping alone, all spread out on a queensize bed.....why the fuck would I want to share again?

Nope, I'm done with it all.

I don't listen to her anymore. Haven't for quite some time. I don't feel any excitement from the possibility of seeing her. I don't really care anymore.

I just don't care.

She pushed me to this.

This is a case of someone thinking I am a fucking retard or something.

I, at one point in time, planned on working in a forensic lab. I wasnted to be searching for answers. I can usually put together the pieces of any puzzle withing a small amount of time. I am not sugar coating this anymore. I am not making excuses for her anymore. This is the person I made the mistake of inviting into my life, and now they stalk me online, and lie to me continually.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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